cpu anatoy

Computers and hardware

CPU anatomy; Everything you need to know about its structure

Written by Ahmadreza Farhabed 28 November 1400 22:00




Undoubtedly, the CPU is the most complex part of the computer. Do you know the architecture and physical structure of CPU? What parts does this piece consist of? How do its different parts communicate with each other? How it processes information and how the data required for information processing are available to it. In this article, we will answer all these questions by explaining the simple and concise anatomy of the CPU.

CPU is usually called the brain of the computer, and just like the human brain, it is made up of different parts that process information with the help of each other. Some parts are used for data collection and some for storage, some for data processing and others for preparing output data.

In this article, we are going to dissect the CPU and explain its anatomy in a simple and concise way to see what parts it consists of and how these parts work with each other. In fact, in this article, we will examine the basic parts of the CPU and provide a series of useful information about them.

One of the main differences between the CPU and other computer parts is that its component parts are not clearly visible like the parts of other computer parts; For example, when you see the power supply of the computer, you can easily see the capacitors, transformers and other parts that make it up; But this is not the case with the CPU; Because on the one hand, all the components of modern CPUs are very small, and on the other hand, Intel and AMD, the only computer CPU manufacturing companies in the world, do not publish information related to their designs, and most of the CPU designs of these two companies are their own.

Before we start examining the anatomy of the CPU, we must note that every digital system requires a central processing unit (CPU). Basically, every programmer must write codes to perform various activities by this software designed by himself, and the task of executing the codes to perform the relevant tasks in the software is the responsibility of the CPU. At the same time, the CPU is connected to other parts of the system such as memory and the socket related to input and output (the socket that connects the CPU to other parts of the computer through a cable) to provide them with the necessary information.

CPU structure

When we want to examine the structure of the CPU, the first part that we must address is the instruction set architecture or Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) or, in simpler words, the architecture or computer architecture.

Computers and hardware

CPU anatomy; Everything you need to know about its structure

Written by Ahmadreza Farhabed 28 November 1400 22:00

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Undoubtedly, the CPU is the most complex part of the computer. Do you know the architecture and physical structure of CPU? What parts does this piece consist of? How do its different parts communicate with each other? How it processes information and how the data required for information processing are made available to it. In this article, we will answer all these questions by explaining the simple and concise anatomy of the CPU.

CPU is usually called the brain of the computer, and just like the human brain, it is made up of different parts that process information with the help of each other. Some sections are used for data collection and some for storage, some for data processing and others for preparing output data.

In this article, we are going to dissect the CPU and explain its anatomy in a simple and concise way to see what parts it consists of and how these parts work with each other. In fact, in this article we will examine the basic parts of the CPU and provide a series of useful information about them.

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One of the main differences between the CPU and other computer parts is that its component parts are not clearly visible like the parts of other computer parts; For example, when you see the power supply of the computer, you can easily see the capacitors, transformers and other components that make it up; But this is not the case with the CPU; Because on the one hand, all the components of modern CPUs are very small, and on the other hand, Intel and AMD, the only computer CPU manufacturing companies in the world, do not publish information related to their designs, and most of the CPU designs of these two companies are their own.

Before we start examining the anatomy of the CPU, we must note that every digital system requires a central processing unit (CPU). Basically, every programmer must write codes to perform various activities by this software designed by himself, and the task of executing the codes to perform the relevant tasks in the software is the responsibility of the CPU. At the same time, the CPU is connected to other parts of the system such as memory and the socket related to input and output (the socket that connects the CPU to other parts of the computer through a cable) to provide them with the necessary information.

CPU structure

When we want to examine the structure of the CPU, the first part that we must address is the instruction set architecture or Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) or, in simpler words, the architecture or computer architecture.

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This concept actually describes a visual model of how the CPU works and also how the internal systems of the CPU interact with each other. Instruction set architectures are just like the different breeds of an animal that, although they differ from each other, they all belong to the same species. In fact, instruction set architectures are different architectures that a CPU can be built on.

32-bit architecture (used in desktop computers and laptops) and ARM, the architecture used to make processors used in mobile devices and other embedded devices), are the most common types of architectures for making CPUs.

There are other architectures for making CPU, among which MIPS, RISC-V and PowerPC can be mentioned; But these architectures are used in few cases and only to make some processors.

In fact, the architecture of the instruction set is responsible for tasks such as determining the instructions that the CPU can process, determining how the CPU communicates with memory and chips, and how to divide tasks between different parts involved in different stages of information processing and other things.

To examine the main parts of the CPU, we will examine the steps that go through from when an instruction is executed until it is executed. Naturally, different steps and paths may be used to execute different instructions, and different parts may be involved; But in this article, we will review the biggest and most important parts. First, we will review the most basic design of a single-core CPU, and then we will gradually go to the more complex designs of modern CPUs.

CPU components can be divided into two categories: tools related to the control unit (Control Unit) and components related to that datapath or datapath. Let us compare the structure of a CPU with the structure of a train carriage. The wagon uses the engine to move, and the locomotive driver is in charge of driving the train and controls the different parts of the engine.

As its name suggests, the data path works like a wagon engine and is actually a path for data transmission during data processing. In fact, the components involved in the data path section receive the inputs and process them, and after completing their processing, they send this information to the section that should send it.

The components involved in the control unit section, like the locomotor, provide this section with the necessary information about how to process information by the data path, depending on the type of instruction, the data path sends signals to different components and also illuminates the different sections involved with this section. turns off At the same time, this section is also responsible for monitoring the CPU status.

transfers high-level programming to a low-level programming language) are created and specific to the CPU instruction set architecture.

Instruction set architectures share the most common types of instructions such as load, store, add and subtract, and the like; But many special instructions are only specific to a particular instruction set architecture.

The task of directing specific signals to specific sections to carry out each of the instructions is the responsibility of the control unit section; For example, when you run an installation file with an exe extension in Windows. The program code is transferred to the system memory and the address where the first instruction starts is provided to the CPU. The internal register, which contains the position of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU in the system memory, is kept entirely in the CPU. This internal register is called Program Counter or PC for short.

When the cycle or instruction execution cycle starts, the first step of this cycle is to receive the instruction. In this stage, which is called the fetch stage, the instruction is transferred from the system memory to the CPU instruction register section. In the following, we will explain a little about this process

Decode instruction cycle

When the CPU receives the instruction, it must accurately determine the type of the instruction. This stage is called Decode stage. Each of the instructions contains specific bits of data called instruction code or op code (Operation Code or OPcode for short) that provide the CPU with the necessary information to interpret the instruction.

The information these data bits provide to the CPU is the same as information that specifies how to use different file extensions to determine how the computer interprets a file. Let us give an example to understand this better. As you know, jpg and png extensions are both photo file extensions; But the two extensions organize data differently; Therefore, in order for the computer to be able to interpret the data correctly, it must recognize its type.

Three main types of instructions

A memory instruction may be an instruction such as reading data from memory address 1234 at value A or writing value B at memory address 5678. An arithmetic instruction might be something like adding the value of A to the value of C and storing the sum of these two values ​​in the value of C.

The branching instruction is also a process similar to executing this code if the value of C is positive and executing that code if the value of C is negative (meaning two different codes). A typical program might execute these instructions in a chain to perform an operation such as adding the value created at memory address 1234 to the value created at memory address 5678. After doing After performing this operation, if the result is positive, it should be stored in memory address 4321, and if it is negative, it should be stored in memory address 8765. Before we learn more about these three main types of CPU instructions, let’s first explain about registers.

In the CPU, there are very small but very fast memories called registers. The capacity of each register in a 64-bit CPU is 64 bits, and in such a processor, few registers are created for the CPU core. Registers are used to store values ​​that are in use, and we can say that registers are considered the L0 cache of the CPU (in the following, we will learn about different levels of cache memory).

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Computers and hardware

CPU anatomy; Everything you need to know about its structure

Written by Ahmadreza Farhabed 28 November 1400 22:00




Undoubtedly, the CPU is the most complex part of the computer. Do you know the architecture and physical structure of CPU? What parts does this piece consist of? How do its different parts communicate with each other? How it processes information and how the data required for information processing are available to it. In this article, we will answer all these questions by explaining the simple and concise anatomy of the CPU.

CPU is usually called the brain of the computer, and just like the human brain, it is made up of different parts that process information with the help of each other. Some parts are used for data collection and some for storage, some for data processing and others for preparing output data.

In this article, we are going to dissect the CPU and explain its anatomy in a simple and concise way to see what parts it consists of and how these parts work with each other. In fact, in this article, we will examine the basic parts of the CPU and provide a series of useful information about them.

One of the main differences between the CPU and other computer parts is that its component parts are not clearly visible like the parts of other computer parts; For example, when you see the power supply of the computer, you can easily see the capacitors, transformers and other parts that make it up; But this is not the case with the CPU; Because on the one hand, all the components of modern CPUs are very small, and on the other hand, Intel and AMD, the only computer CPU manufacturing companies in the world, do not publish information related to their designs, and most of the CPU designs of these two companies are their own.

Before we start examining the anatomy of the CPU, we must note that every digital system requires a central processing unit (CPU). Basically, every programmer must write codes to perform various activities by this software designed by himself, and the task of executing the codes to perform the relevant tasks in the software is the responsibility of the CPU. At the same time, the CPU is connected to other parts of the system such as memory and the socket related to input and output (the socket that connects the CPU to other parts of the computer through a cable) to provide them with the necessary information.

CPU structure

When we want to examine the structure of the CPU, the first part that we must address is the instruction set architecture or Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) or, in simpler words, the architecture or computer architecture.

Computers and hardware

CPU anatomy; Everything you need to know about its structure

Written by Ahmadreza Farhabed 28 November 1400 22:00

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Undoubtedly, the CPU is the most complex part of the computer. Do you know the architecture and physical structure of CPU? What parts does this piece consist of? How do its different parts communicate with each other? How it processes information and how the data required for information processing are made available to it. In this article, we will answer all these questions by explaining the simple and concise anatomy of the CPU.

CPU is usually called the brain of the computer, and just like the human brain, it is made up of different parts that process information with the help of each other. Some sections are used for data collection and some for storage, some for data processing and others for preparing output data.

In this article, we are going to dissect the CPU and explain its anatomy in a simple and concise way to see what parts it consists of and how these parts work with each other. In fact, in this article we will examine the basic parts of the CPU and provide a series of useful information about them.

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One of the main differences between the CPU and other computer parts is that its component parts are not clearly visible like the parts of other computer parts; For example, when you see the power supply of the computer, you can easily see the capacitors, transformers and other components that make it up; But this is not the case with the CPU; Because on the one hand, all the components of modern CPUs are very small, and on the other hand, Intel and AMD, the only computer CPU manufacturing companies in the world, do not publish information related to their designs, and most of the CPU designs of these two companies are their own.

Before we start examining the anatomy of the CPU, we must note that every digital system requires a central processing unit (CPU). Basically, every programmer must write codes to perform various activities by this software designed by himself, and the task of executing the codes to perform the relevant tasks in the software is the responsibility of the CPU. At the same time, the CPU is connected to other parts of the system such as memory and the socket related to input and output (the socket that connects the CPU to other parts of the computer through a cable) to provide them with the necessary information.

CPU structure

When we want to examine the structure of the CPU, the first part that we must address is the instruction set architecture or Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) or, in simpler words, the architecture or computer architecture.

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This concept actually describes a visual model of how the CPU works and also how the internal systems of the CPU interact with each other. Instruction set architectures are just like the different breeds of an animal that, although they differ from each other, they all belong to the same species. In fact, instruction set architectures are different architectures that a CPU can be built on.

32-bit architecture (used in desktop computers and laptops) and ARM, the architecture used to make processors used in mobile devices and other embedded devices), are the most common types of architectures for making CPUs.

There are other architectures for making CPU, among which MIPS, RISC-V and PowerPC can be mentioned; But these architectures are used in few cases and only to make some processors.

In fact, the architecture of the instruction set is responsible for tasks such as determining the instructions that the CPU can process, determining how the CPU communicates with memory and chips, and how to divide tasks between different parts involved in different stages of information processing and other things.

To examine the main parts of the CPU, we will examine the steps that go through from when an instruction is executed until it is executed. Naturally, different steps and paths may be used to execute different instructions, and different parts may be involved; But in this article, we will review the biggest and most important parts. First, we will review the most basic design of a single-core CPU, and then we will gradually go to the more complex designs of modern CPUs.

CPU components can be divided into two categories: tools related to the control unit (Control Unit) and components related to that datapath or datapath. Let us compare the structure of a CPU with the structure of a train carriage. The wagon uses the engine to move, and the locomotive driver is in charge of driving the train and controls the different parts of the engine.

As its name suggests, the data path works like a wagon engine and is actually a path for data transmission during data processing. In fact, the components involved in the data path section receive the inputs and process them, and after completing their processing, they send this information to the section that should send it.

The components involved in the control unit section, like the locomotor, provide this section with the necessary information about how to process information by the data path, depending on the type of instruction, the data path sends signals to different components and also illuminates the different sections involved with this section. turns off At the same time, this section is also responsible for monitoring the CPU status.

transfers high-level programming to a low-level programming language) are created and specific to the CPU instruction set architecture.

Instruction set architectures share the most common types of instructions such as load, store, add and subtract, and the like; But many special instructions are only specific to a particular instruction set architecture.

The task of directing specific signals to specific sections to carry out each of the instructions is the responsibility of the control unit section; For example, when you run an installation file with an exe extension in Windows. The program code is transferred to the system memory and the address where the first instruction starts is provided to the CPU. The internal register, which contains the position of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU in the system memory, is kept entirely in the CPU. This internal register is called Program Counter or PC for short.

When the cycle or instruction execution cycle starts, the first step of this cycle is to receive the instruction. In this stage, which is called the fetch stage, the instruction is transferred from the system memory to the CPU instruction register section. In the following, we will explain a little about this process

Decode instruction cycle

When the CPU receives the instruction, it must accurately determine the type of the instruction. This stage is called Decode stage. Each of the instructions contains specific bits of data called instruction code or op code (Operation Code or OPcode for short) that provide the CPU with the necessary information to interpret the instruction.

The information these data bits provide to the CPU is the same as information that specifies how to use different file extensions to determine how the computer interprets a file. Let us give an example to understand this better. As you know, jpg and png extensions are both photo file extensions; But the two extensions organize data differently; Therefore, in order for the computer to be able to interpret the data correctly, it must recognize its type.

Three main types of instructions

A memory instruction may be an instruction such as reading data from memory address 1234 at value A or writing value B at memory address 5678. An arithmetic instruction might be something like adding the value of A to the value of C and storing the sum of these two values ​​in the value of C.

The branching instruction is also a process similar to executing this code if the value of C is positive and executing that code if the value of C is negative (meaning two different codes). A typical program might execute these instructions in a chain to perform an operation such as adding the value created at memory address 1234 to the value created at memory address 5678. After doing After performing this operation, if the result is positive, it should be stored in memory address 4321, and if it is negative, it should be stored in memory address 8765. Before we learn more about these three main types of CPU instructions, let’s first explain about registers.

In the CPU, there are very small but very fast memories called registers. The capacity of each register in a 64-bit CPU is 64 bits, and in such a processor, few registers are created for the CPU core. Registers are used to store values ​​that are in use, and we can say that registers are considered the L0 cache of the CPU (in the following, we will learn about different levels of cache memory).

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